Tuesday 31 March 2009

Lesson 31 03 09

WALT: (1) Create further paper content for scanning/plan for further e-content.
(2) Publish final content to blogs.

WILF: For your blog to be finished in 2 lessons time.

Tuesday 17 March 2009

Lesson 17 03 09

WALT: (1) evaluate our blogs so far
(2) create some new content for our blogs

WILF: (1) To identify positive/negative features from some of our learning blogs.
(2) Discuss how our blogs could be improved.
(3) Plan user-created content to upload this afternoon.

Tuesday 3 March 2009

Lesson 3 March 09

WALT: (1.) Identify the key features that we want in our learning blogs.
(2.) Begin to design/create our learning blog content.

WILF: For bloggers to be aware of the intended audience for our blogs.
For bloggers to be aware of their online presence and create appropriate and correct content.

Tuesday 24 February 2009

24 February '09 Lesson Aims/Objectives


1. To create a new blog using our own computer log-in accounts.
2. To consolidate techniques learnt over the last few weeks (please check you have achieved the objectives from the previous lesson)

Success Criteria

1. Your learning blog will be ready to go for next week!
2. Your original blog has evidence of your achievement of all of the previous lesson objectives.

Monday 16 February 2009

Why should we blog?

Tuesday 27 January 2009

Lesson 3 Objectives

1. Change layout settings/timezone of our blog.
2. Publish Powerpoint presentations to our blog.
3. Add gadgets.
4. Edit/delete posts.

Children who will be ready next week to begin creating their learning blog.
Children who have the skills to publish plain text, formatted text, single photos, photo slideshows, powerpoint presentations and insert at least one 'gadget'.

Tuesday 20 January 2009

Red Nose Day

Hello World...

Test Post two- hello world...

Tasks to do...

1. Check email.
2. Set up a shared folder on network.

Sunday 18 January 2009

Blog Keynote For Web
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own.

Wednesday 14 January 2009

Tuesday 13 January 2009

Our Blog Security!

Hi to all the Year 6 Bloggers!

I have just removed our shared password and user name from our Learning Blog so that only YOU will be able to access it. I will give you the user name and password tomorrow if you've forgotten it.

To jog your memory if you wanted to try posting tonight from home:

User name is: *********@chadvale.****.sch.uk
Password is: a word followed by a year!

Remind me tomorrow and I will tell you them in full, and you can write them down.


Mr. Sansom


Do not post anything that could identify you personally:

We don't post:

  • photos with names, or names with photos
  • our addresses or phone numbers
  • our emails or MSN addresses/Bebo/MySpace/Facebook information
Please BE SAFE online.

Remember, if you see something that is INAPPROPRIATE, or worries you/upsets you MUST tell someone! Visit the Chad Vale website for online safety websites. (see links on right)

WALT: (1)
To know about the difference between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 techologies.
(2) To know how to create a blog and begin to enter content.
Know what a weblog (blog) is, and how they work.

WILF: (1) Children who can explain what a blog is and how web technologies have changed over the last few years.
(2) Blogging partners to set up a 'test blog' and enter some text content.

Some technical issues...

Today you MAY need to log-on using the following details:

User name: tech
Password: tech2009

You will then need to log on to www.blogger.com.

User name: ********************
Password: *************

Sunday 11 January 2009

Lesson 1

In the 1st lesson, we will cover:

* Deciding on your blog partner
* Setting up your 'test blog'
* Adding text
* Publishing your blog
* Viewing your blog

The Test Blog

This test blog will be a good source of information, and will contain links to various other websites that will help you to create your blog. Over the next few weeks you will learn how to add creative content, including pictures/photos, text, presentations and hyperlinks.

Welcome to the Chad Vale Test Blog!

Hi Y6...

Our Blogging Project over the next few weeks will give you the opportunity to create your own blog (or 'web-log') that can be accessed from the internet anywhere in the world.

Your blogs will be linked to the Chad Vale website, and you will be able to access them from home. Working with a partner, you will create a 'learning blog' to help others with an aspect of Maths, Science or Literacy. This will also give you the skills of creating content and publishing. Finally, you will move onto creating a blog about a topic chosen by you.
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