Tuesday 31 March 2009

Lesson 31 03 09

WALT: (1) Create further paper content for scanning/plan for further e-content.
(2) Publish final content to blogs.

WILF: For your blog to be finished in 2 lessons time.

Tuesday 17 March 2009

Lesson 17 03 09

WALT: (1) evaluate our blogs so far
(2) create some new content for our blogs

WILF: (1) To identify positive/negative features from some of our learning blogs.
(2) Discuss how our blogs could be improved.
(3) Plan user-created content to upload this afternoon.

Tuesday 3 March 2009

Lesson 3 March 09

WALT: (1.) Identify the key features that we want in our learning blogs.
(2.) Begin to design/create our learning blog content.

WILF: For bloggers to be aware of the intended audience for our blogs.
For bloggers to be aware of their online presence and create appropriate and correct content.
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